
Other actions of support


2010 // Funding of the online archives of the CAPC devoted to Jean-Paul Thibeau

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In December 2007, Jean-Paul Thiveau deposits part of his archives at the CAPC museum of contemporary art. Brought together in a green metal trunk, it is made up of drawing books, photographs, naturalised animals, various traces and finds a legitimate place next to the 30 artworks of the artist belonging to the CAPC’s collection and in the Library where there are many traces of his personal and collective exhibitions held here from 1974 to 1996.

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2010 // Funding of the online archives of the CAPC devoted to Harald Szeemann

Juillet 2010 Table de décantation en cours d'élaboration

The exhibition Harald Szeemann : le penseur sauvage, held at the CAPC’s library, was developed from a selection of the museum archives. It attested to the successive invitations extended by the CAPC to this extraordinary artworld figure. Some of these documents are presented there.

Discover the archives here

 2009 // Funding of a plaque devoted to the museum’s partners